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Seasonal Cleaning

8 Annual Cleaning Tasks to Do This Year

There is absolutely nothing wrong with aspiring to a cleaner home. In fact, our experts at Merry Maids® encourage it! However, we don’t want you to get bogged down with chores that keep you from enjoying all this new year has to offer. Fortunately, some cleaning tasks only require your attention once a year, and we’ve got your guide to eight you can knock out today!

1. Clean Behind Your Appliances

Dirt, dust, crumbs, oh my! There’s no telling the amount of discarded and unwanted debris you’ll find behind your appliances. An “out of sight, out of mind” philosophy may have worked in previous years, but this is 2021—the year to tackle those hard-to-reach places.

For a thorough cleaning behind appliances, wipe all the rear surfaces with a damp cloth, vacuum out fridge coils, and dust vents. Once you’ve got all the dirt and grime, blast away year-old dust on the floor by sweeping and mopping. Remember, take great care when you’re moving heavy-duty appliances in your home. Ask someone to help with the heavy lifting and ensure the appliance is disconnected from water or gas lines and electrical outlets.

2. Deep Clean Your Upholstery

A year of living your best life on your furniture has surely left unnoticed stains, odors, and dirt trapped in the fabric. One of the most essential annual cleaning chores you should tackle is upholstery cleaning. Not only does clean upholstery give your space a fresh look, but it can improve your home’s air quality if you have a family member with seasonal allergies.

Refreshing your upholstery requires a steam cleaner or spray bottle with a brush attachment and cleaning solution. Your local grocery store should have all the necessary items to rid your fabrics of unwanted dirt. Before you begin cleaning, test the cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous portion of the upholstery to ensure it won’t compromise the color or texture. If everything looks intact after the solution dries, you’re ready to start cleaning your upholstery and mark this task off your list.

3. Refresh and Reorganize the Bathroom Storage

Have you taken a look at your bathroom cabinets lately and noticed expired cold medicine, almost-empty toothpaste tubes, or old makeup? If you answered “yes,” then it’s time to break out those cleaning supplies and reorganize and refresh your bathroom storage. Remove everything from the space, wipe down all surfaces (including doors and shelves), and then consider what you still need for 2021 and what is so last year.

4. Sweep and Organize Your Garage

Many people use their garages for one thing and one thing only: storage. Whether you’re storing your car or lawn care equipment, this part of your home probably hasn’t gotten a lot of attention. Now is the time to sweep and organize this space to eliminate the chances of attracting unwelcome pests.

Cleaning your garage simply requires the use of a heavy-duty broom (and a mop, if you’re feeling extra motivated) to remove floor debris. Ensure all expensive and easily damaged equipment is placed in a safe area. Investing in shelving and wall hooks are great ways to organize your garage and minimize clutter once it’s clean.

5. Clean Your Sump Pump

While we can guess the sump pump likely isn’t on your priority list, it’s an essential component in the function of your home. Sump pumps are devices designed to pump out excess water to help avoid significant flooding. Therefore, giving it a thorough cleaning once a year will help it function properly and give it a longer operation life. Two crucial sump pump components that need your attention are the pit and the motor.

To clean these parts thoroughly, follow these four steps:

  1. Turn off power to the sump pump by disconnecting the power cord.

  2. Place the motor in a bucket for easy transport.

  3. Take the bucket outside so you can use a wet cloth to wipe away any gunk and grime.

  4. To clean the pit, use a wet-vac or shop-vac to suck up any remaining water, and wipe down pipes with a damp cloth.

Remember to wear a mask while you’re cleaning out your sump pump to keep from inhaling any airborne mold or mildew.

6. Touch Up Paint Throughout Your Home

It’s time to tackle all of the nicks and scratches sustained to your kitchen and bathroom cabinets and all interior doors throughout your home. Touching up the paint inside your home will create more continuity and be aesthetically pleasing for anyone visiting your space. External paint touch-ups will enhance the curb appeal of your home and make everyone’s heads turn.

Before you begin the painting process, ensure you have paint appropriate for the surface you want to retouch. Consult an expert at your local home improvement store for the correct paint supplies to use.

7. Organize Your Junk Drawer

Regardless of the size or style of your home, a junk drawer is usually a staple. Whether it’s in your kitchen or office space, it’s time to clean it out and purge any unwanted items. Consider a drawer organizer to create less clutter and more function. Doing this can turn a junk drawer into a functioning drawer ready to serve whatever purpose you need.

8. Vacuum Your Air Ducts

Your home’s air ducts collect dirt, dust, and pollen as air flows through your vents and circulates throughout your home. A clean HVAC system ensures cleaner air quality, more energy efficiency, and adequate function.

To clean your air ducts, follow these three steps:

  1. Turn off the power to your HVAC unit.

  2. Remove all vent covers and ensure there are no bulky items inside the vents that may clog your vacuum.

  3. Use a flashlight and vacuum air vents and ducts as thoroughly as you can.

Make sure that young children and small pets are placed in a safe location to avoid accidents or unwanted items from getting lodged in your vents after you’ve cleaned them.

Short on time to tackle these once-a-year cleaning tasks? The experts at Merry Maids® are ready to help! Request a complimentary service quote and let us make this the year you accomplish all your cleaning and organizing goals.